Dogs are such a source of positive energy. They radiate it because they understand what humans want. They are here to live with them not against them. Brownie adopted me, maybe because he needed a human friend. He waits for me, looks up to me even follows me into the house much to my wife's chagrin. Surprisingly, he listens to her, sits when she tells him to, eat when told to. And ofcourse I am his buddy so he doesn't give much heed to me, but wants to play with me, bite me and run with me. Anita keeps complaining either you get some shots or get him vaccinated but I am still thinking, if I get the shots he could still bite someone else and infect them. So better if he gets vaccinated. Maybe next weekend I will take him to the vet.
Brownie has these loving eyes but he sure as hell can bite. All the creatures, both canine and human tread carefully around him. I once saw him getting chased by another stronger dog and he handled it pretty well, diverted the stronger dogs attention and then scooted back and tried to launch an attack from behind enemy lines. I guess I get so involved with animals that I think of them as thinking four legged Confucius. For me to watch them in action is the most profound experience with the logic of nature. They are pure unbridled energy and live for the moment in passion or hatred. It takes little to incite that in them.
Speaking of Confucius, wasn't it him that suggested that "when rape is inevitable sit back and enjoy it". I guess that is a typical male chauvinist comment. He obviously never experienced rape and so was not in a position to comment on it. If on the other hand he was inferring to rape as a down state of the mind, even then his comments were way out of line. What person would link rape with say the plundering of a civilization. It is a sick and dastardly conclusion. When the Greek Civilization was on its decline I never heard Aristotle proclaim, we are being raped sit back and enjoy it. They fought tooth and nail against their enemy or whoever they perceived their enemy was. I am sure Indira Gandhi would shudder at the thought of saying "I raped Pakistan" because then by the same logic "Nehru would have been raped by the Chinese". Therefore that logic was all warped up in male chauvinism.
However a thought does come to mind that we did give away land too easily to the Chinese, never fired a shot in the valleys. No wonder they still shout out to us as the victim, scaring us, taunting us and have us scampering for cover. It is like we are the sheep and they are wolves in every encountered. What a precedence Nehru set with the Hindu-Chinni bhai bhai statement. One brother stabs the other in the back and the other justs rolls over and dies. They say Nehru died because of the Chinese betrayal, I say it was his time to die and thats why he went. Interestingly some people believe it was his legacy that had a more profound affect on the Indian psyche than Mahatma Gandhi's tryst with non-violence.
We are but mere animals of our past, deemed to repeat our previous mistakes if we haven't sorted our past. But Brownie never makes a mistake, as he diverts the enemies attention and then launches a rear guard action. Hail the new king, hail the new emperor.
Nominate Brownie for PM.

Speaking of Confucius, wasn't it him that suggested that "when rape is inevitable sit back and enjoy it". I guess that is a typical male chauvinist comment. He obviously never experienced rape and so was not in a position to comment on it. If on the other hand he was inferring to rape as a down state of the mind, even then his comments were way out of line. What person would link rape with say the plundering of a civilization. It is a sick and dastardly conclusion. When the Greek Civilization was on its decline I never heard Aristotle proclaim, we are being raped sit back and enjoy it. They fought tooth and nail against their enemy or whoever they perceived their enemy was. I am sure Indira Gandhi would shudder at the thought of saying "I raped Pakistan" because then by the same logic "Nehru would have been raped by the Chinese". Therefore that logic was all warped up in male chauvinism.
However a thought does come to mind that we did give away land too easily to the Chinese, never fired a shot in the valleys. No wonder they still shout out to us as the victim, scaring us, taunting us and have us scampering for cover. It is like we are the sheep and they are wolves in every encountered. What a precedence Nehru set with the Hindu-Chinni bhai bhai statement. One brother stabs the other in the back and the other justs rolls over and dies. They say Nehru died because of the Chinese betrayal, I say it was his time to die and thats why he went. Interestingly some people believe it was his legacy that had a more profound affect on the Indian psyche than Mahatma Gandhi's tryst with non-violence.
We are but mere animals of our past, deemed to repeat our previous mistakes if we haven't sorted our past. But Brownie never makes a mistake, as he diverts the enemies attention and then launches a rear guard action. Hail the new king, hail the new emperor.
Nominate Brownie for PM.
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