Wasn't it the other day that I saw the grand old man of Indian theatre, now sadly no more, M.F. Hussain in Lyceum. This was just as I was about to enter the theatre, and the show running which one was it, let me think, I think it was "Mama Mia" that famous classical on which there have been so many renderings. He looked at me and said good evening sir, and amazingly it was him who recognised him rather than me. M.F. hadn't aged even a bit. In any case "Mama Mia" was a classic and so were the various cast members of the show.
That brings me to the point that howsoever we look at the world as a classic it is really the quantum theory that defines how it functions. It really is no wonder that instead of calling Mama Mia a classic I should be calling it a Quantum Magnum. Wasn't it a magnum that defined the classic .307. It is a great feeling to realise that the world is no longer classic but quantum.
All of my world in my cup of tea, fluid and dynamic
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