Friday 6 September 2013

The Unknown Quantity

There was something going on in life now, Anjali was out of her pensive mood, Romeo was as usual hungry and this new man in Anjali's life was confused as hell.  The confusion was about trying to find out why he was being treated the way he was despite him being so nice to her, "we always assume that we will get what we give," it isn't strange to assume that, but a lot of hard work in relationships is required before that assumption becomes a reality.  She had know him for a month now and was keeping him up on his feet, "sleepless nights was the phrase to use," Anjali was a kindred soul with people she knew and trusted, she would go out of her way to be warm with them, she would invite friends over and treat them to the best of the best, "but that was for her closest," for others she would begin to evaluate people.

We all evaluate people before befriending them, and for me it takes up to six to eight months before I can really begin to talk to them like I know them, there is a thin line between friends and lovers, "sometimes invisible," and I always made sure that I didn't cross it with Anjali, "damn I knew her well," but this new man was in the lovers mould, "or so I thought," I figure Anjali had different ideas, because she had put him in the evaluation mode and that meant a lot of his phone calls went unanswered and whims ignored.  I guess you could put your best foot forward for a month but try doing that for six months,"its hard, nay impossible," so she would find out pretty soon how this man was and then take a decision.

Nowadays people don't have too much time for evaluation, life is fast and relationships make or break even quicker, I was made in the more traditional and classical template, tend to take my time and if people aren't ready for that, "most damn well aren't," they could just leave.  This was fine with me, I was in my prime and needed to live my life with a few fine friends, I didn't want too many changes, preferred to continue with my present circumstances, and this included the financial status as well.  Money though important, I was happy with whatever I was getting financial and would continue doing whatever I was doing, and I was involved in things that I loved, "damn and this was so important," I was training people, into Sales and Marketing and loved writing and blogging.
Our Circumstances Are Never a Reason To Give Up.


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