Old Age and The
Dragon Of Hope

Young dancers who served the temple promoted dance forms, amongst the most popular being Bharatnatyam, Kuchipudi, Odissi and Mahiniyattam. In the Purana's which are ancient Hindu Religious texts, there are rich references to this tradition which prospered under the grace of the ancient Kings.

When the British took over India in the early 19th century, the Kings were overthrown unless they complied with the wishes of the British, with the Kings gone or servile, the Devdasi were thrown out from their position of status and were left to fend for themselves. Those days in India, the temple didn’t have an income high enough to afford Devdasi and soon they had to give into prostitution.
Soon enough, when the country gained independence in
1947, the Devdasi System degenerated, “Young girls given to the temple at young
ages of 4-5 years, to serve God and the Temple," and when
they turned adolescent they were forcibly sent into prostitution, then in 1988,
the Devdasi’s system was outlawed by the Judiciary.
Give Me Hope For I am Forlone today, Freedom, Freedom, Freedom
Give Me Hope For I am Forlone today, Freedom, Freedom, Freedom
The Road Map to Freedom
article in the Guardian in 2011, opened the eyes of a lot of people, and the research shows that the Devdasi’s today are a cursed clan,
“Given to the temple at young age, a system that allows rich men to take them as concubines and then left to fend for themselves in red light districts around the country.”
“Given to the temple at young age, a system that allows rich men to take them as concubines and then left to fend for themselves in red light districts around the country.”
Clearly, the tradition has run aground, however in a country that is still besieged by age old redundant customs, people continue to follow blindly what they should have discarded long time ago. Poverty, disease and neglect has greeted the Devdasi’s where ever they make their way. In the article titled, “Sex, Death and God,” it is a telling tale.
My current focus group is the Sita Mandal and Group from
the city of Jaynagar in West Bengal.
Click on the link if you care.
Click on the link if you care.
This is a group
of women who have taken up the cause of Solar Energy, the challenge is Micro finance
and Donations to make their lives worth living.
They say, “One Love,” and I say, “Could this be Love after all, a cause
worth living for.”
In 2011, I travelled the country on a mission to
promote Solar Energy across the Lower Income Group in India, the electricity situation
was terrible, the message was clear, as long as we were going to be in Solar,
“Them folks with money don’t need Solar, they need subsidies, it’s the poor who
need Solar with Microfinance and Lendings.
Calling all people who care !!! Click on the Link and show you care !!!
don’t ask for donations, we ask you to Lend.