Thought You Were

months turned to four and then six months, “Miss Him,” I told everybody with
tears of sorrows. I realise that the
tears are of two kinds, joy and sorrow, and we had lived the joy part for 3
years and this was the most profound sorrow I had felt my life. It left me numb, no feeling at all, just a
dull thud of the heart beating; otherwise I didn’t exist, when God’s play dice
with humans as wager, its life that is at stake. I could have bet my life that the God’s that
be, didn’t know that this was death, this waiting.
Six months later he returned, peaceful and as he
told me, he had struck gold, his song compositions had been accepted by a film
company, I was happy, and yet dumbstruck by his mysterious disappearance, was
it something I said or the kids did, may be the villagers, somebody had to have
the answer.
He really was mysterious now, he would talk in a
strange way, and I had no hope of understanding him, the dialogue was subtle
and the mood creative. His singing and
compositions, I detected, had change a tone, they were deep and soulful now, there
was a sorrow in his young eyes, the kind that comes from having aged, this one
had become an old soul in a young body, he had turned into a solitary reaper.
Had Never Left Him, Even When He Was Away From Her”
The Road Map to Freedom
My current focus group stays with Sefali Marik and Group
from the city of Magrahat, South 24 Paraganas Village in West Bengal.
This time when
we took a walk towards the beach, the thunder was still there, her little girl
had aged too, she saw the sea as usual peaceful and serene and the thunder
didn’t scare now. They had got themselves Solar Lanterns though to her they had
lost their significance but she sensed it made him happy to sit their besides
the bright glow of the lamp and lit his rolled smoke.
I had a new design for Solar Lanterns and I showed it to them.
I had a new design for Solar Lanterns and I showed it to them.
They would buy now, they knew me well, it would be
funded and the ground work had been already done.
All the
costing had already been worked out and we were waiting for a go ahead, when
suddenly it started to rain again and this time she smiled and said, “We build
autonomy into the system.”
I looked at her and said, “Yes maam, whatever you say,” and I stopped thinking of making money right there, if she got her money, so would I and that was fine with me.
I looked at her and said, “Yes maam, whatever you say,” and I stopped thinking of making money right there, if she got her money, so would I and that was fine with me.
Is Always Something You Can Do When Your Last Dollar Is Gone.”