Thursday 5 September 2013

Sound of Silence

Anjali had been unusually pensive and irritated this morning, she wasn't talking and was in general very uncommunicative, I had been in her house for five minutes and already her mood swings were beginning to make me dizzy, "no breakfast for me today," she snapped as I entered the kitchen, "and I wasn't even thinking of breakfast," just getting myself a glass of water, I was thirsty after the walk and poured Romeo's bowl to the brim and drank myself straight out of the bottle.  Something had happened last night, either she had spoken to this new guy in her life and it hadn't been the most pleasant of discussions, " and that was rare," or it was going to be another moody day, in any case I was ready for the worst if it came to that, "had my book in my bag and another kit bag ready to go to the gym, that's where all my negativity came out, "sweat and stone."  She had been constantly talking about this new guy and suddenly today she stopped and went into her shell, I tried getting her out of it but knew it would be futile, when she made up her mind about something she certainly wasn't going to change it.

Though I had few tricks up my sleeves as well when she went into her shell, the last time it had happened I had told her a tale about love between a King and a Princess, she had listened like a child and then made a face and said she didn't like love stories, "hell like I did, hmmm ?" but it broke the spell of silence when she expressed her cynicism at the tale, " she more preferred Autobiographies and the Real life drama that peppered the screen nowadays, I guess that included the Reality Shows and Live TV that was gaining popularity as a medium of entertainment, "and damn that sounded interesting," I hadn't watched a reality show in days, "would do that now.  I had encountered reticence in various forms earlier in my life and from various age groups and had always tackled it by telling stories, people love stories, "damn the spicy ones are hot favourites," and I had one for all mindsets.

Friend of mine from a company I worked for previously was getting too close for comfort, he wanted to know everything about me and I wasn't so keen on telling him much, Anjali suggested I do exactly what I professed, "so what did I profess to ?" keep him at arms distance and tell him only what I wanted to tell him. So what did I believe in today, it was a profound question she asked me this morning and I sure, "as the bat in the night," was going to answer this one, at least for myself and she was going to be my knocking board for a change.

When I was a young guy of 22-24 years, I was busy chasing woman, lining up my pitch and hitching for dates, years went by before I realised that, that time could have been more fruitfully spent chasing a professional dream, but by then I turned 32 and work pressures and in general pressures of life were beginning to take their toll on the body and mind, could I perhaps bring back my twenties and copy-paste them onto my thirties, because that's what I wanted to happen, but life was moving too fast and the thirties were hectic and non-comforting, I had slowed down the thirties for the twenties to be superimposed on to them, and then it happened, life slowed down interminably, "I got to almost a crawl," and decided to wait for my good old times to come back.  Those days I read a lot of philosophy, related to my engineering books more than the common fiction and looked back at my past, "more often than not," and crawled into my hole every evening.  I told Anjali, these days I have an attitude to life that is distinctly mine, I do things in my own way, the path that has brought me success over the years.

She asked, "Give me a for instance," and I started to think of the times I had rented an office in a prime locality in Delhi.  I moved into the place for a couple of days and didn't like it too much, everybody was shocked at my suggestion that I wanted to move to a quieter district, this was a prime location and getting an office here had been hard work.  My feel of the place was just not right, I didn't like the discotheques and bars that thronged this busy uptown district, "almost like the Big Apple of Delhi," others would have died for a place here and I was too busy evaluating my own reactions and the equation had not added up and I left the place after two days for a quieter business district.  One of the biggest lessons life had taught me was that I had to take my own decisions and not go by the generally held opinion, think out of the box and always look for positiveness in all interactions.
Always Do What You Love.


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