Entered a classroom for the first time in years today, education is something
that gives me great pleasure, and this was IT training, I am a MCSE and CCNA, but my CCNA certification had expired in November of 2012, I decided I was going to renew it. The classroom had a modern feel to it, there were chairs and workstations, all with a very contemporary feel to it, the students young guys and girls, the average age group of 22-27, I felt ancient amongst them and yet eager and enthusiastic, it rubs on to me, this liveliness that young people bring to life, the verve to do something and the courage to follow through with dreams. Reminds me of a student of mine from the New Delhi School of Management, where I was a trainer for Computer Architecture some years back. She had everything going for her except a degree and she would stay back after class, ask me questions, questioning my philosophy and thought process. An immensely talented person, she had evolved her own thought process and would stick to it no matter what. She would always pop into class 15 minutes late, apologizing as always about the traffic, the pollution, but I knew she had a troubled household and it was impossible for her to reach anywhere on time. Not to mention that Delhi autos, as even today, are notorious for cheating people
with hyped up distance and fare if you fell asleep while the rogue drove you to your destination. After the entry, she would seemingly sleep in class, if ever there was a way that somebody could sleep with her eyes open, and yet in the question and answer sessions at the end of class, she asked all the right questions. While most students would come
to class with nothing in their minds, she had already read the predicted chapters at home, and in the class wanted answers to questions pestering her mind.
There is this friend of mine from going through tough times right now, met up with him in the afternoon, he was looking for ideas to make a name in the solar industry but no money to do it. He is an installer with immense skills and leads a team of installers. I suggested the following to him :
1. Organize your team and give me the names of your team members.
2. Put up the skill set on my website, use it like a platform to display your skills.
3. For every order you get through my website pay me a commission.
He liked the idea, in fact even suggested to me that I go ahead and put it up on my website, I suggested he wait for a couple of months, the website is under construction and I will certainly find place for him and his team.
Everything is possible, all that is required is the thought.
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