Wednesday 12 June 2013

Hot Potatoes !

There is this old friend of mine, she is a top class judge of personalities, and an immense source of advice to me every time I need help with people.  Kalpana has been around in my life for years, though she went missing for some years, and her talent for gauging people remains the same till date.  The other day I was looking out of the window and dreaming and a thought came to my mind that maybe there was more to this other friend of mine who keeps messaging me regularly despite my opposition to it.  He has been persistently following me, to the extent that it might be construed as stalking and I  decided to do something about it this time around. After all it can get disconcerting to receive 30 messages from a person within 20 minutes and as anyone of my friends would vouch for, I don't like it.

"So he is bothering you again," Kalpana said with the same nonchalant ease that she sips her hot coffee every morning.  This was normal for her, get people to come over to her for people related advice and she always delivered with aplomb.
"Yes, you know I have known him for so long I can't believe he would act this funny," I said trying to maintain my composure too.
"What did he say."
"That I should meet him."
"And you agreed."
"I didn't," I snapped back, she was direct.
"Drop him like Hot Potatoes."

It takes all to make up this world, and I do sincerely believe that we must keep our friends happy.  So if I decide to go out with a friend it will solely be based upon my discretion, influenced nonetheless by various factors like the environment, my values and friends.  So what are values ?  Values are internalized signs that guide us when we need to take decisions, they represent us and the person we are.  A kid has no values and will do as told by parents or well wishers and in some cases by people who mean harm.  But an adult must have values to take reliably consistent and correct decisions, that is the sign of maturity and foresight.
Hot Chillies ! .. I do like it you know.


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