Friday 7 June 2013

The Magic Wand

I will write a book, I will write a book, I will write a book

Does repeating a phrase three times guarantee that it will happen.  Saw Harry Potter today, it is a fantastic movie, whatever happens from the beginning to the end, there is magic in the air, from the magic wand that his dad bequeaths to him, to the scroll that tells the location of each and every inhabitant of Hogwarts castle in real time, I fell in love with the movie.  I do believe that given time and location there is evidence enough that I will write a book on Solar Energy.  I have been mentioning this to everybody, sharing thoughts and dreams, passion and creativity, in the hope that somebody else believes it, at least half as much as I do.  My life has changed tremendously since I delivered myself from the turmoil of everyday humdrum of monotonous job and life.

So, I had this job that allowed me financial control of my destiny, it paid me to be submissive, say yes sir and curbed my natural instinct.  I became a slave to my own desires and succumbed to the needs of people who saw me as a tool to be used and thrown away when not required.  Then came the first magic moment when I saw myself to be who I am, not too successful and yet very happy when I started to write with a pen in my hand.  It isn't everyday that magic happens in my life but I started to write and like a  wand being swung into my life, it cleared the mysteries surrounding me.  The wand had this magic affect of bringing lightening thoughts into my mind, like memories that surround me even today of yesteryear's.  I laughed my way to a good night sleep when I thought of the times I was asked in a quiz competition,
"It takes 5 minutes to dry up a towel, how many minutes would it take to dry up 5 towels."
I had no answers in my head, so I questioned the quiz master, "5 minutes," implying that I hadn't heard the duration correctly.
"Absolutely correct Maninder," shouted the quiz master, she was ecstatic I had got this one right and I was stumped because I still hadn't figured it out how I was correct.

Somebody actually admired my writings the other day, it seems his son was taking to writing after seeing them.  I was suddenly proud, till I remembered I still have to write this book, write this book, write this book.


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