They live a solitary life, almost like walking through life with utter disdain for the established thought process, wake up to calling of their own, money doesn't move them, the lure of the green lucre left once the eyes saw the truth, neither are they moved by relations, thoughts of love and life have been foresaken, what moves them is this feel that their life is on the move when their minds begin to open up and see the truth. Druid Getafix was one such person created and roamed the minds of the young and old with his potions. One potion for the weak and another for the one overburdened with ego. Did he have a potion for the over awakened I wonder, for they see too much of light. Once we see the voyeurism in our life its hard not to understand that today I need a fix for a "world that sees too much and hears so little".

Sleep brother, cause there are no sure shot fixes I have, I was drunk at 2pm in the afternoon, I have seen life with a high powered lens and I don't lie, I have spoken to the ants who you so casually crush under your feet, the mysteries of life lie open to me today. There is a worry, in some circles, that this stupor that I feel today will get me to a place as yet unfathomed by the people known to me, but I do what I do because I saw the asteroid fall while you slept. The traces of wonder are still with me when I saw the falling star, was I to make a wish or perhaps think and ponder on the trail it left behind of dust and light, all bright perhaps when the star was gone all that was left was the trail lit so bright for anyone to follow.
Magic happens everyday.
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