I am a willing eye witness to what goes on in the name of popular media. People 'read media give you news items that you want to watch, music that you would want to listen to and then watch the popularity charts soar. There may have been a million of times I have wanted to stop NDTV 24x7 Barkha and tell her that the people who want to speak on her show must be allowed to do so, to quell popular public opinion for populist manoeuvres by a political party will kill her popularity. Take the "Big Fight" for instance, where Nidhi does a fine job of handling the warring factions, and it is to her credit that she manages to maintain her sanity despite being in the hub of the storm. I am willing to give "The buddy project" on Channel V or is that MTV a one short look. As yet it has lend itself to as much talent as can be seen in a Mayawati rally. All rhetoric and no show. The name on the other hand sounds very enticing.
Who wouldn't want a buddy who would be around to help them for a lifetime, though if you have seen the show, it sounds like people need a doormat. Hey, I can buy 10 of them for Rs 100 in Sarojini Market of different shapes and sizes. So much for buddies. My rationale and notion is not to be enticed by these media created hypes of "compatibility", "buddy", "soul mate" etcetra etcetra. Trust me they know nothing, just words that ring a bell in your mind. Take for instance MTV Roadies, the whole purpose of the show was to degrade and show people in poor light, it seems if you crack up under pressure then you are not fit to live in the society.
My friend, everybody cracks up under pressure, otherwise the pressure would keep building up, ain't it ? Reschedule your appointments if you are not sure how long they would want you to wait. Went to Gurgaon the other day for three fixed appointments, guess what, the first one made me wait for 1/2 hour before I pushed away, same with the second one, and then met up with this friend which was fortuitous because I was on my way out, he just called to say "aren't we meeting ? ". Made my day, thank god for small mercies.
No one, No one, ever is to blame.
Who wouldn't want a buddy who would be around to help them for a lifetime, though if you have seen the show, it sounds like people need a doormat. Hey, I can buy 10 of them for Rs 100 in Sarojini Market of different shapes and sizes. So much for buddies. My rationale and notion is not to be enticed by these media created hypes of "compatibility", "buddy", "soul mate" etcetra etcetra. Trust me they know nothing, just words that ring a bell in your mind. Take for instance MTV Roadies, the whole purpose of the show was to degrade and show people in poor light, it seems if you crack up under pressure then you are not fit to live in the society.

No one, No one, ever is to blame.
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