Monday, 22 October 2012

I Have Designs on You

A thought while I was getting dressed for the day, Alan Watts, that I so mention as somebody whose writings have influenced me so much was just that, a radical thinker, far removed from the theories of the world.  He would conceive and write, edit and test and write again.  When he was born the existing theory of the world said that there has to be said be balance between Newtonian and Einstein's physics.  As life evolved for him there has been a gradual shift towards Einstein's law.  Thoughts flow into my mind at random, its very much like the world wide web.  If a link is clicked, it takes the observer away from the existing theory.

I have seen a million lives too, I have seen my parents fight for their survival and each others individual identities, we are really not alone in this world and the guiding force be whatever will certainly bring things into balance.  Coming back to where I was, there is the Einstein's theory that brings joy to me, moving from thought to thought, idea to idea as my mind explores the length and breadth of an idea.  So if I my father he was the leader of the band, he soon came around to another opinion that of my mother, wasn't she working as well, didn't she have a right to voice out legitimate opinions.   Einstein's theory is just that, "Relativity", the thought that everything exists with respect to another point is space, there are no dimensions, no fixed coordinates, only a feel tempered by the fine sword of logic.

I wonder why I discourse all this here today, people seldom understand what I say, and I believe there will be very very few people who will truly understand this post.  Relativity till date is something hard to fathom, but to my mind the way forward.  Friend of mine, from school, told me that he loves to listen to me, so I spoke to him for a couple of hours, and at the end of couple of hours when I thought he would have understood what I was trying to say, and closed my discourse and asked for questions or comments, there was an absolute blank look and questions that didn't even get to the basics of all.  When the questions started coming in, I was just a thought away from avoiding them but then gave in and answered all of them in the traditional way, but by then the paradigm had shifted to Newtonian one.
Its just the world we live in - there is nothing else


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