Wow !! man, those were the days, imagine us 10 year old kids trying to show off to these older women who no doubt had as much class as Meryl Streep and as my mind now trips into overdrive I hear my thoughts echo so clearly, I was in love even as a 10 year old, I think, I have always loved the thought of being in love. And sex came much later. And when it came, it really came, hah' I forgot the concepts of love and thought only sex, ran for it, lived for it and EARNED FOR IT. Those heady days with cans of beer that in those days cost Rs 100 chasing skirts and pretty much everything that seemed like it had a feminine touch to it, like the blue pill in overdrive.
Friend of mine, much younger, went into re-grieving and she was like the epitome of strength almost the Golda Meir of modern times to me. Love is a strange thing and when you grieve for a loved one you become perpetual mourners. Have seen people walking around with tears in their eyes, because its the sweet pain of romance that leaves them addicted to it. Strange thing this re-grieving, only the ones who have loved will realise the pain that it brings along with it. Give your heart to the pain and the heavens above open up to you. Thoughts and patterns, strange as they may have sounded to me then, are myraiding around me in ever complicating circles and I love it. Thank you cupid, and god bless.
Its complicated, and I am loving it.
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