Sunday, 21 October 2012

Are You Being Served ?

I say, if there is Alternate Reality anywhere, we bring it on, because in a world starved of leadership and consonance, I see it as the only source of sustainability for a business I seek to build.  You might say there is a just cause for it, for I have seen people with tears in their eyes as their dreams take a nose dive.  Brother, have you been out of work is the oft asked question.  No, I believe I have been working for a just cause, do I look old today, or my words ringing a bell in your mind.  Its not just the old who seek wisdom, 'read, are wise, I can be your wise man today.

Wasn't there a system that I saw in the South India on how renewables would sell, well, the outlines of it become clearer to me day after day.  Even today, while I rode to the racing circuit of Gautam Budh Nagar, I found a reason to believe.  The sun was bright on a cool morning and I felt a surge in my head.  Its only here that I find peace today, broad stretches of highway leading to precisely nowhere.  Its like seeing is believing, fresh air to breath, cool breeze to feel on my face and no sign of smoke induced by combustion engines anywhere.  I miss the birds even today when I rush into a crowded location.  I am sure it isn't only me.

Our minds are great source of inspiration, you and I we are just sales persons, after all nothing sells like success.  The renewables have to be sold with the acceptance of the people who would buy and and the people who would benefit from it.  How do I sell it ?  Very plain and simple, I go about saying I have a product that has good marketability, there is a sound logic to it and very good sustainability.  Buy it !! .. Then of course there are millions of questions to be answered for example... whats is the price and what would be the servicing factors involved, pretty soon there is a consensus on how this has to be sold, and therefore if it has to be sold then it has to be with mother natures hand on our head.  I believe in this product and have full faith in the company selling it.  Sir, I have seen these people at work and they know what they are doing.  Totally and totally think a very viable option.  Buy from them !!!

There you have it, that's how I sell it, customers bring in more customers, and people stand behind as testimony to the product I have.  Friend of mine who is a sales manager for Solar Energy firm has a very profound thought on the product we sell, "To believe in the product is the first, to see photographs, and product guidelines will enhance your reputation.  I believe in total dissemination of information, if for instance, the product needs to be demonstrated, we will do that in the resources we have".  Another friend of mine from Gujarat, who is a retired Electrical manager with the Gujarat Electricity Board, Mr Panchal, will vouch for the efficacy and the applicability especially in the rural market.  "We sell solar pumps to the rural and semi urban locale and find the service rendered by you has been remarkable.  If you could also give us rooftop systems for our homes it would be great service done to the nation."

Work ethics demand that I share with you as much information with you as I can, I will not withhold anything, because I do believe there might be budding entrepreneurs within the group who would want to start the business, others might just be thinking of joining me or partnering with any other firm.  Some of us, and most interesting, this might be the group of people who might make a difference, might just be looking to volunteer in the quest to learn how to sell.  There are a million of reasons people think of stepping into a group, and I intend to serve all the emotionally intelligent and independent beings.
We sell success stories, want some, get them.


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