The whole galaxy has been my playing field, I have been a captain to my ship under Kirk, and then Picard. Isn't it strange that we wish for peace and when it lies within our grasp we run from it. This alien from another galaxy called "God" has never been kind to me, I believe we have to fight him, good and evil lie within me today, I don't need God to dictate his thoughts to me. He was a good man, my brother, died fighting God at the centre of the Galaxy, as he never believed in pure logic. Its strange that I find myself in a similar dilemma, my human emotional side is too overwhelming, and drowns my cold as ice side. I am human I admit when I cry but the other times I must kill this God delusion inside of me. There will be a solution and I know it will be brought about by my Kohlinar discipline, the art of subduing my emotions and raising my body against the will of the sea of tears. I will not fail this time, and this would seem to suggest that I have failed earlier, however just a thought to people who have passed the same path before me and maybe have not touched 110% cold logic that I see now.

I am a scientist at heart, but today, probably more a diplomat then ever before, a touch wary of my origins, it has some mystery to it, we all believe that we were born to our mothers and fathers for a purpose, maybe it is the incubator who gets to know the real purpose. Still I have laboured along this long for the mind to regenerate itself. Resolving conflicts by fighting it out or compromises is where my skill lies, for didn't they say .....
Its all in the mind
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