Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Bright Shiny Objects

"Good artists copy," said Pablo Picasso, "Great Artists Steal"

Now here lies the root to all creation.  This would obviously imply that God himself was a thief, after all him being the biggest creator or all times.  There is artistry in every  one of his creations, I was the other day at the National Museum and saw such beautiful creations of the human mind, that I couldn't believe that there was anything more beautiful God could have created than the mind.  Combined with the neurological sensor he gave us, and we have the ability to put into shape what our brains can only design.

Nothing better than good design to followup a thought process.  Its all in the design, if I wanted to sell software, then the first process would be a great design methodology followed up by a set of developers who would create the software.  Its all in the design my friend, and what better way to highlight than giving an example of what happened to the other day.

A group of people writing code are developers and a set of people designing software are called architects.  Meet Prabhu, one of the developers I work with, intricately detailed and meticulous person, very thoughtful about his software and everything in his life.  His hobbies were supposed to be geeky gifts, however this guy is an ardent reader and photographer.  Phenomenally gifted I would dare say he would benefit any organisation.

Deciding how to design has never been a problem, but remember the first time you tried to play Sudoku, getting all the parts together to fit, well, was it easy ?  For me it was, I did everything in the first go, I played the Rubik cube and all the mathematical puzzles, was in the maths Olympiad and won a medal.  My point being, so did that qualify me for Designer title.  Actually weirdly enough, if I had continued in the same vein, probably be a scientist at the Bhabha Atomic Centre.  What got me to this stage is the artist in me, I am poet and writer, I have seen life closely and though I believe that "life can never be a part of a systematic design", I see design in life.   For instance, the other day, I spoke to a team member with a drastically reduced productivity, so instead of analysing this the way a team manager would, I decided to do the one thing that nobody wanted to do.  I volunteered to visit the person at their house to see if all was well.

Thinking of the times that I have done things that I didn't want to, actually things nobody wanted to touch, is uncountable.  All my life seems to have gone into doing things that nobody has wanted to do.  Think of the time, when my sister was pregnant, I took care of her baby, or the time they wanted somebody in the house and all of them went partying, I was the one who did it, remember the time we took the kids partying and I stayed behind in the lawns to clean up the place.  Its always been me who does the dirty job.

Stable relationships could be a sign of either a near perfect loop or an infinite redundancy.  Check for instance what they did with Princess Diane, gave her a life of riches and a time to die.  She was probably the best there was amongst the monarchy - classy, royal, accessible and time limited.  Can you see me smirk in sarcasm at the last word there, I wish for people like her to be limitless, but their very usefulness makes them wear out soon.
Our time here is limited, make it count.


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