Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Straight From the Heart

Speaking of Khap Panchayats, what is the basic tenet behind the system, does the Panchayat require the sanctity of the villages or village elders before it can decide on the fate of a runaway couple.  Take for incidence, the logic behind the statement that came out a few days back that blamed the eating of Chowmein behind the incidences of rape, what came to me instantly was that Chowmein carts and alcohol go hand in hand and therefore it possibly means that when young guys, not to say that sexual misdemeanour is restricted to young men, have the aforesaid savoury they are bound to have alcohol and that would give them heightened sex related activity in their brains.  Its also been heard that Chowmein causes imbalance in the harmones, now all this may not be logical but there has to be reason why folks would malign this fantastic Chinese delicacy.

In all my life as a youngster in Delhi, friend of mine introduced me to Chowmein, remember the cart that used to be on the streets of South Extension, in fact there were two of them.  We would hop on to a bus everyday and take a 20 minutes ride to it, and share a plate of the now infamous Chowmein, a little bit of vinegar added for flavour and we would hog on the delicacy, everyday the same routine, dinner has been served and you shall have only Chowmein.  The cart owner was very magnanimous since he saw these two young guys coming in everyday, he would give us an extra serving on our plate and both of us would talk about his generosity on our way back in the bus.  The feel of Delhi of those days, especially in the winters was simply amazing and leaves me with a bitter sweet taste even today, bitter because I miss those days and sweet because I am proud to be associated with this city of those days.

Now going back to Chowmein and its non beneficial affects, I have a feeling that this has majorly to do with that yellow sauce they serve with it, it has a very sour taste and gives a very pungent smell almost of the kinds of gutter water, and the old folks who throng the cart especially like this sauce, if I dare suggest that you are old, not in the wrong way old, but old category,  you might want to try this sauce, and the correct way to do this is to go ahead take a spoonful and put the dip in your plate then using your fore fingers take a wholesome bit into your mouth, the smell should be slightly pungent and you should feel oddly uplifted and energised.  Then put your helping of the thin or thick long strings of the food that you are eating and sprinkle the sauce adequately all over, this should now energise your groins as well and you could be well on your way to the Khap misadventure.
Mind It, We Sell Poison too.


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