I have to come to believe over a period of 3 months now that the heart is the source of it all. Everything we believe we live is a reflection of how we feel in the heart, we are what our emotions are. Remember the time when I told you that this life gives me nothing, or that I am tired of it all, it is a reflection of how I am in my heart, if my heart bleeds I feel everything that my emotions bring me to. I continued to live my life in my mentally secure model and found to my bewilderment that I was losing out on friends, family even work colleagues. Normally when people feel emotions they say my heart is feeling down, and that is precisely what it is. Make friends now buddy, for you are living with your heart now.
This morning when I got up I had this heavy feeling in my mind, and I said could that be signs of depression, until I stepped in for a bath and suddenly realised that my heart was beating and pumping energy at high speeds. Too our credit this realisation dawns on us within half hour to one hour of getting this feeling and there is an immediate understanding that the mind is probably somewhere else, my heart feels fine and so I am alright. There is a fascinating tale of one of my friends who rides a car and undergoes an emotional catharsis. He recounts that when he rides alone there is no one with him and his emotions well up as he remembers his life and the mistakes that he has made, or this feeling of rememberance of friends who he cares for who still remember him. He just loves it, on the other hand, if he were at work he is stone cold and totally concentrating at work.
My point being it is alright to laugh and cry at work as well, infact this post goes out for all my emotionally intelligent and lovable creatures who live their lives in their heart from dusk to dawn. We are creatures of the world, we emote so we are, so they are, we must talk and feel it in the heart. I am a firm believer that my heart is in place and there is nothing that will take that away from me. I live this life believing that there will be a time that we will continue to make our dreams come true, after all what is a dream as compared to our combined vision of reality. Aren't we getting too carried away with this thing too far, man, and I say this world is of my making today.
Choose your words carefully, for they decide your fate

My point being it is alright to laugh and cry at work as well, infact this post goes out for all my emotionally intelligent and lovable creatures who live their lives in their heart from dusk to dawn. We are creatures of the world, we emote so we are, so they are, we must talk and feel it in the heart. I am a firm believer that my heart is in place and there is nothing that will take that away from me. I live this life believing that there will be a time that we will continue to make our dreams come true, after all what is a dream as compared to our combined vision of reality. Aren't we getting too carried away with this thing too far, man, and I say this world is of my making today.
Choose your words carefully, for they decide your fate
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