Saturday 31 August 2013

Love De-Mystified

The day was breaking fast, the darkness of the night before had been dispelled by the dull light of the dawn, it was cloudy but there was a breeze blowing from the East and the clouds would disappear fast too, "damn, but I so liked the cloud these days," there had been times when it was only the Sun for me, if it wasn't there I would scamper in to my duvet and sleep till it came out again.  But obviously something had changed in my top end, "as it was prone to do nowadays often enough," I was thinking of Anjali again, she was a night bird and hated the Sun, it was her responsible for this change more than me, " I would just sit on my hiney most of the times," this hard working lass had brought about an incredible change in me, I was more prone to going out in the night than ever before, would do things that got me out of the comfort zone into realms that were as yet untouched by reality, "and what was reality after all."

I was happy today, I had bought a new car, "a MUV that professed to be an Off Roader," don't we all profess to what we want to be at a later point in our lives, well this Renault MPV, "the ubiquitous Multi Utility Vehicle," was a fantastic drive and the ideal travel device for me.  Anjali was with me all through the day today, and like the change evident in my travelling device, she had reached a decision too, as she told me in the mid afternoon that she wasn't going to be too serious with this new man, there were evidently enough some vast differences in their perception of life, "another obvious question, so what was life ?" though I trusted her with everything and every decision that she would make about her emotional well being would be rational and logical choice.  A question that occurred to me was, "So What Is Love and can be define it ?"

As I saw it, there was no sure shot answers to this one, it was hard to say whether the short lived emotion of infatuation wasn't love, that if nurtured mutually it would blossom into love, similarly, a long turmoil filled life with the one you love might eventually bring out the thought that you had never been in love with this person.  However based on my experience there was one thing I was absolutely sure of, Love was the emotion when the inner child blossomed and understood that one persons existence was more important than anything else in this world, that all desires and thoughts were subjugate to his or her existence, "did it really exist, this feel, I wondered ?"  Immediately, when Anjali mentioned her thoughts on the new man and how she didn't really love him, I spoke about my thoughts of love, "didn't know much except that I had cried a million tears for somebody too," and we connected, whether she stayed with this new man or not was unimportant suddenly, what was paramount was that we connected on this thought and still spoke for long hours on life and on topics as diverse as the whistle blower Edward Snowden to the war in Syria to Dating and Relationships.
If Everyone Cared Then Nobody Died, If Everyone Loved and Swallowed Their Pride.


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