Sunday 4 August 2013

The Mystery Friend

Anjali went on holiday during the March of 2013 and while I waited for return, I met a very interesting personality, "as interesting as they get," on one of my trips to the mall.  As I walked out of the M&S store, I momentarily stopped, "forgetful that I am," thinking I had forgotten a shopping bag in the store, when I heard a whistle, "no it wasn't the runaway Mumbai Express," it was Lucy, she was standing on the parking area and for a stranger, strangely enough whistling at me.  I smiled to myself, now I am not the kind of guy who gets whistled at often, "I wasn't going to miss this opportunity," is what I told myself, coolly walked to where this girl with Chinese features was standing and smiling at me.  I smiled back, "Me ?" and she nodded her head in agreement, I was faintly stunned but decided to go ahead with the game and asked her, "do I know you ?" to which prompt came the reply, "what you doing this Friday night ?" now I am not somebody who gets whistled at on the street often, "hell no, never," its just that I was in a mood tonight so asked her directly, "what did you like about me at first glance ?" the answer was hilarious, "You are hairy."

So we got into my old sedan, did Lucy and I, and heady off to have croissants at a nearby shop, my heart skipped a beat, she was beautifully, a striking face with round eyes and long straight silky hair and I on the other hand was just that, "hairy," and though I was laughing inwardly at her statement, she was funny, beautiful and seemed like a vixen.  We sat down to eat and talk, "like I always knew what to say to a beautiful lady," I complimented her on her beautiful hair, "and that wasn't the only thing beautiful about her, but I didn't want to jump foot in my mouth.  She loved to talk and so did I, "was I going to make another friend here," I had this penchant, I made friends easily and that was decidedly a talent, she on the other hand seemed hell bent on the Boyfriend - Girlfriend story, somebody had once told me the difference between a "Girl Friend" and "Girlfriend", seemed to me she was looking at me as a "BoyFriend", and for once I was interested.

A lot of people go through their lives without experiencing the emotional upheavals that form so much a part of it, in fact people avoid it, for the last 6 months I had experience an unprecedented range of emotions from sadness to happiness, every day brought with it a new emotion, I knew now the shades of happiness, the greys that were present apart from the ubiquitous black and white.  I could be happy at one time to being very happy at others, irritable at some to really moody at others, life was changing in a myriad of ways and I was happy to be part of it.  Lucy had brought new enthusiasm into my life, a touch, a sudden feel of mystery and the unknown which I forgotten about long ago, it was these moments that made life worth living.  The croissants were delicious or so she told me, I was too busy analysing my own emotions to notice the taste of the delicacy.
Just Enjoy The Moment, Live It Fully While Its Still Around.


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