Sunday 18 August 2013

The Coffee Tete-a-tete

I had left nothing to chance last evening, got a dinner for Anjali, "she was late," taken Romeo out for a walk, "this Golden was alone for most of the day," called up a few friends, "and I really had only a few of them today," and taken my sedan out to the dry cleaners.  Having settled into an evening, I decided I needed a coffee at my favourite cafe, so had walked to my sedan, driven out to the Army Cantonment close by, and ordered for a cappuccino and started to read on the Tab.  In walked a couple, the girl was crying and the guy consoling her with his arms around her shoulders, they sat right opposite me, there was a small argument regarding what to eat and she refused a sandwich and insisted on coffee too.  She had been giving me sideways glances, "I supposed because I was looking at them," and before the guy could order any coffee for her, I got up and approached the counter and ordered a Corn and Spinach Sandwich for myself.  She looked back at the counter as if to say, "because I refused one ?"  and carried my receipt back to my table.  The guy accompanying her had oddly muttered a "thank you" to me "why ?" as he had waited in the queue, I was surprised and had smiled back at him.

As I started to eat the sandwich, I saw that her tears were drying up and she was beginning to calm down, they were sitting in such a manner that the guys profile hid her from me, but there was a wall mirror to the side that allowed she and I to see each other on, she kept looking demurely at the mirror and I was stunned, I realised there was more going on here, "does take a bit for the stun to happen to me," occasionally when I would look at the mirror she would be looking too.  I munched on my sandwich and after a brief introspection of the cup sipped on the coffee, they continued to talk, the status quo stayed for some fifteen minutes with glances shared in the lucky wall mirror and then I started to cough, realising the sandwich didn't go too well with me, on an urge I looked again at the mirror again, she was coughing too, I got up and ordered a cold coffee, "my mind was telling me what the heck, "first hot coffee and now cold, huh ?" took it down to my table and started to sip, in the meantime they had started to work on something, probably were partners on a project and working on some detailing.

Before I knew it, she walked up to me and I looked up at her, "Can I borrow your pen ?" I immediately acquiesced and gave her the pen.  "We are working on a survey and I forgot my pen," I looked around a bit and muttered, "you are welcome."  She continued to stand there and then sat down at the chair next to mine, "Would you like to join us ?" and of course I said yes, "God what was I thinking," I quickly picked up my mobiles and joined them at their table.  They seemed to be working on a survey for young students, something to do with Dating and Relationships in colleges and I was asked for my inputs of the times when I was attending college, I promptly answered them and it seemed to go down well with her.  Another fifteen minutes and I was out of the cafe having exchanged numbers and a promise to keep in touch.
A Lot Can Happen Over Coffee.


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