Wednesday 14 August 2013

The Loco Locomotive

There had been a couple of times in Anjali's life that she had felt totally lonely and desperate to meet people, but this had been before I had met her, "damn, how I wished I had met her earlier," before, when she was seeing this man, totally and fully immersed in his love, "and the damn fool didn't care," it had to happen and it transpired, she rocked into depression when he left her.  I spoke to her about it yesterday, had been avoiding it for a long time, normally people don't want to talk about their failures, "especially in love life," and was surprised, she was very open about it, we spoke about it for long lengths, she still missed him but her life was now moving full steam ahead, "like a locomotive gone loco," the missing part however intrigued me, I realised that she missed him but to miss someone after two years seemed like an enormous love affair to me.

When we see a good thing in life, we normally assume that it's just meant to be ours and want the thing or person to be a part of our life and not let go, despite the fact that it might be a one way street, I thought about it a little more as I turned my sedan into the Blue's bar, the crowd there was enormous and I frequented the place quite often.  I had gone through break-ups in life but nothing as enormous as hers, mine got over within 2-3 months and I was back on track, purely from a man's perspective it seemed outrageous to miss someone even after two years of not seeing someone and I immediately realised the fallacy of this thought, man's perspective or a woman's perspective, did it really make a difference, it was pretty much a unipolar world nowadays and maybe I was assuming I was over this woman I had been last seeing by drowning myself in alcohol, maybe I hadn't explored the length and breadth of the relationship to be as deeply in love as Anjali had been with this man.

Often in life it is presumed that getting over something or someone is the right thing, "like a hill to climb and conquer," why should I get over with a love affair when I love this thought of having been with somebody and the memories are so good that can't be replaced by anyone else.  It is strange but I believe today, "after having met and known Anjali for over three years," that a good ending in life is not guaranteed, we just rationalise it and believe that everything happens for the good, "like an ass in well braying for help," it is only natural to take the help of God almighty, start going to his abode and seek a reason, while the rational thought tells us that the person left us because he/she didn't see us worthy of their love.  It is for people to fight their thoughts of Godly and divine intervention when faced with a personal tragedy, "and I assume I may sound disheartening to some," but having known the full cycle of a love affair from a women's perspective," and benefited for the better because of it," I know that she is somebody who fights this thought even today, knows and finds succour in peers, brings back her memories when her mind is ravaged by thoughts of giving up in a survivalist world.

I too, am a believer today, and look for a love that is undying and ever lasting, "my jaunts to the bar not withstanding," I no longer wait on my hiney for people to come to me, I embrace them, "like I have been well taught," a hurt might be a lesson for the heart but it can only bring tears, the ultimate salvation is to know a love that sustains and unless I try again and again, "you don't give up, she tells me," I might never find it.
Sometimes a cynic and sometimes a romantic, reality is never far away nowadays.


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