Thursday 18 July 2013

The Ex-Factor

I had been sitting in my room and brooding, "on my hiney, obviously," and there was no lack of imagination therein as well, I was thinking of her, that women who I loved so much and was thinking of making a long distant call to her, "all things in my life are that way," I am a big time procrastinator and after sometime every action seems to be far fetched.  So finally after an hour of brooding I picked up my mobile and gave her call, she disconnected, now what ? "either I could wait another hour," to message her or I could get off my hiney and message her, so I did just that, I moved to the balcony and wrote her a nice long message, "being nice could get me a reply huh ?," it did but it was a curt one, I signed off by messaging an "OK."  

Anger welled up inside me, I had assumed I was right in calling her, so whey did she disconnect, all kinds of abuses came to my mind before I managed to calm myself down, its hard letting go of you Ex, every time she walks into my life I cry.  I knew I would cry again, but not tonight,"what else was there to do ?" I thought quickly, got my party shoes on and drove to the nearest pub, what better way to drown my sorrows than to think of happier times, this night there was going to be history created, I reached my destination in a quick half hour, walked in past the bouncers and hit the bar straight away, it was a Wednesday night and there was very little by the way of the tippler traffic, "not that I wait for it," the lonelier it is, the better it gets for me, I don't need to interact with people all the time, I am happier on my own.  I asked the bartender for the special, which turned out to be a Bloody Mary, and he served it just right, I was happy.

As it turned out, there was good music, "Mark Knoffler," or something, the drinks were good and the crowd started to roll in by 10 pm.  There were dudes dressed up to party, women hanging on to their beau and other folks just single like me sitting and chatting around.  The Sultans would drop in later, around 1 am but I wasn't going to be around till then, so I turned to my co-drinker on the bar stool next to me and started to talk.  I was on my fourth Bloody Mary and had no idea what we were talking about but I do recall him telling me something about his girlfriend going missing on him, "like mine didn't too," but I didn't remember too much of the conversation except for his going on raving about her and how much he missed her.  I remember this much, that he sat there and drank more than I did and spoke more than I spoke and by the time I got up to leave the music had turned to "Looking at that Photograph," a'la Nickelback and he was fairly drooping on the bar stool, "and leaning to my side too," sticking her photograph in my face, I said a quick goodbye and left in a happier frame of mine, I had met someone who was in a far worse shape than I was and had helped him speak out his sorrows.
I like it that way, not too hot not too cold.


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