Monday 22 July 2013

The Roving Romeo

The noise in the morning was reverberating, there were the milk vans with their noisy inmates, "damn folks talk too much," the cars humming away in the service lane, it was 6 am in the morning, "where were all these people headed," too early for all these noises, "wasn't there a way to dull these noises," my thoughts went back to my engineering classes and the case study of the benefits of installing double panelled windows, "loosen your wallet a bit mister," it sure would bring peace of mind.  I and Anjali sat on the balcony sipping tea, it was cloudy, maybe the sun wasn't out as yet or maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me, Anjali was dark in complexion and the weather resembled her skin today, "poetic aren't we in the morning ?" I had made some fresh tea, the green leave variety and was sitting content.  Her Golden Labrador was sitting at our feet, exhausted after the brisk walk in the nearby park and trying to get its breath back.  The morning session with her, I had begun to enjoy, we had started this five months back and now it was a regular feature of our lives.

This balcony was new renovation to the house, two pillars had been erected to support it when the house had been renovated, I loved the balcony, it was my daily succour when times got rough inside the room, "sitting on my hiney," I had just started to spread some greenery on it as well, a creeper that came from the ground floor right up to the room and potted plants.  The Golden Lab, Romeo, "aptly named so," was  in love with this place, he would smell the floors and play with the pigeons that landed on the parapet, "could they really understand birds."  He wasn't just a Lab, he was a constant companion during these times to Anjali and she was going through a rough patch, "certainly not as good as it gets," but things had improved drastically over the last few months, the depression of the past was gone, "she was over him," and was beginning to enjoy life much more than she had in the past few months.

Our relation had changed too, from one of casual acquaintance to a bond, a bond that came from having both gone through a rough emotional patch in life, we were comfortable in our skins with each other and tried to support the other with warm words and genuine hugs.  I had learnt so much about honesty from her that I was prone to blurting the truth on every occasion, even the white lie didn't come easy to me now, "isn't that strange?" for someone who had lived his entire life in one lie or the other, there was a strange comfort now in talking to her.  I could have been her other Labrador for all you know and lived peacefully in some corner knowing that she would speak to me and call out to me,"whenever it was time for a walk," life had changed colours since I had met her, parted and then made a comeback again and I hoped it remained the same now.
The Two Hues of Comfort - Trust and Honesty.


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