Sunday 25 November 2012

This Ones Seen It All

My life seems to be a roller coaster today, there seems to be emotional upheavals that are hard to ignore, I seem to be seeing all there is to see in this world this Sunday.  Last I was at this stage, my friends had deserted me and I had given into their demands of me being the one who would be making the comebacks.  Today I am a much different man, I revel in the kind of loneliness that cracks most people up, I am living a much heralded unnoticed life and absolutely in love with it.  Sometimes there is this thought in my mind if I was to leave in 4 months for the heaven or hell that may call, would I have accomplished everything I set out for 2 years back and the answer is an emphatic YES.

The goals that I set forth in those tumultuous years preceding 2010 have been achieved, I am at peace with myself, I couldn't, for instance, care if I died tomorrow.  Wonder what would have happened if the goals had not been achieved, does the cycle of repetitions trouble us till it is achieved or are we pushed down the ladder and then a bit.  Strangely enough I don't see this world as a ladder to climb, there is no going up and no going down, just this feel that I have today that I am in the peak of my spirit, which sticks to me, no longer goes walkabout and a mind that is working towards whatever goal the spirit sets out for itself.  I am a very much a spirit minded person now, the old age terminologies of soul and purpose have been replaced by newer much healthier phrases that become my spirit now.

An oft mention phrase of the re-borns is that I have been "touched" and my "life will never be the same again".  "Death" is something that comes when "the time is right".  The terminologies exist because a part of us is so positive about life that we fail to see the positivity of Death.   I believe that a creature is most active and full of energy just before Death meets it.  The energy levels peak, the mind is pumping on adrenaline and then it happens.  The black spirit descends on the body, takes it, pushes it towards taking a step that will cause the least agony before the departure, to fight it is to prolong the agony and you may ask to what end ?

We are creatures meant to live a lonely life, this universe gives us everything if we do that, the pleasures will be transcendental, the agonies will bring bliss as well, to lose your will to the universe and be a part of it is a goal very few achieve.  Treading a lonely path, I have come to recognise that I am only physically alone and that is the demand of the universe today.  Scary thought that came to me today, if I had died two years ago, I would not have seen what has brought me to this junction.  The force that governs the universe has a plan for me and the thought of it sending me through the flames brings me bliss, my mind rises and chest fills in precious oxygen as I have no thoughts of myself, just this alignment of where my world is going today.
Just lay low brother, your thoughts are mine now.


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