Wednesday 14 November 2012

True Smoke

In school there was always a crowd of people who would want to meet you and talk to you, remember, you were the school captain, and as a matter of fact acknowledged as the peer amongst peers.  Truth be said, those were some of the best days of my life, when there was nothing but this feel of going to school and doing as best could be done.  No thought of life or of where it was headed, just a strong tail wind to make you do what you wanted to do.

As we started to fly on our daily routines there were many times I would figure I wanted to play football instead of going for classes, I would rush into classroom thinking of when it was going to get over.  The windows to the classroom just overhung the playground and you could well imagine my thoughts when I started to lean my head out of the window and think of those days when it was overcast, the ground would be wet and I could go ahead and slip and slide in the mud trying to get a hold of the ball.  The kicks there were many, the slips many too, most importantly there was the feel of having got and given everything to the opponents, 110% percent and that feel if I get even today, I go for it.

The girls all hooting and the cheerleaders going gaga, the guys with their regular struts, it was well and truly amazing sights and sounds.  I would take the ball pass it to the right out and then dribble again and take it past two defenders and then go ahead sail the ball right across the opponents goal post for the centre forward to head it in.  Need a very hard head in soccer, as also very tough knees.

I played chess with Jenny for years, it was the most pleasant time of my life, she was a beautiful girl and had the charms of a parakeet who knew how to flaunt her feathers.  Jenny was in 10th grade when I was in 11th, we hit it off instantly, she was a sporty earthy person and I trusted her instantly.  If ever I got into a fight, here was a person who would get me out of it with her calm poise and none too aggressive nature.  She had the prowess of lioness and the calmness of a deep blue sea, a potent combination for a kid like me who had seen only aggression at home.  We would sit in the games room and play chess for hours, not exactly my favourite game, but I was willing to forgo my football for a few hours of peace and rumination with her.
I miss her, don't know where she is, but will find her.


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