Sunday 4 November 2012

Think ---- And I am Gone

In this world, only two things that are precious to me, and I hardly get enough time for them, for instance, life gets so busy on a 5 day grind and come saturday or a sunday there is so much do and write home about.  Do I get time for anything at all, or am I running away with it everyday.  Its a new start and I am still wondering where I am going to get time for anything that I really really wanna do.  Last Sunday was fantastic, so has this sunday as yet, there are a myriad of thoughts running in my head, "I must do, I have done, I should have done".  Heres what I must do - I must write and read, there are people better than me at this and I hope to replace them one day, here's what I have done - I have been there, done that and to be sure, I have done everything to redeem my name and pride, and what I should have done - Without a care in the world move people aside and get a move on.

Friend of mine said a break up is a break up, you just get over it and continue to live, and I say it happens and happens again and again, we just live with lovers till we die.  Its remarkable isn't it, that we aren't going to get back together again and yet I don't want to get over her.  Just a thought, theres more clarity in here buddy, "MY MIND", than I care to imagine, we do what we have to do.  I intend to run a commercial enterprise and hardly can think of anything besides the thought of making money, the people involved and there are atleast 7-8 people right now whose expenses must be taken care of and people have expenses, they live their lives, party, break up, make up and everything that goes with it.
It should be Sunday today, and Monday is already haunting me .... scary thought !!


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