Saturday 3 November 2012

The Dream Merchant

The start to another company is tempered by the thought, that I must do a good job with it, make substantial amount of profits and be fairly successful at the venture.  The way I play my words is similar to the way the poets do with theirs, there for instance is this thought that all of life is poetry, and that we must go through it with lenses of our eyes closed and the gates to our hearts open.  I must presume that there is a way that our offerings to clients or customers is accepted, it may be assumed that we are in the business of selling satisfaction and not products.  All customers want satisfaction - satisfactory product, satisfaction when it comes to the experience and a comfort level with the pricing.

Satisfaction reminds me of what we do to satisfy our thirsty after a hot day in the field, we actually go ahead and drink water and lots of it, preferably mixed with energy enhancing stuff.  Therefore, as is evident, satisfaction is in getting a product that satisfies our immediate need to buy and is in line with our immediate requirements.

The lens of life is very beautiful, if I was to look through it, I see so clearly the pain writ large on so many faces, I see their future and I know that they are going to be fine.  Pain and sorrow is a very intrinsic part of the lens, and it is a precursor to what we feel thereafter.  The lens may beautify things, but it is the lens that truly feels the content of a heart that typifies beauty for me.  Think of it this way, I am the lens that clicks pictures of people and their lives, their hearts spill out in front of me, I may not be able to see all that happens in the heart, but can certainly feel the pain, pleasure or anger as it goes past me.  Its beautiful stuff, and the stuff that makes the heart come alive, even the sorrow reflects what we have got in return for the tears, the joy can be felt and the anger palpable.
I am not in the business of making movies, we sell dreams.


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