Sunday 13 August 2017

How to Kayak the correct way

I went kayaking in New Hampshire, it was experience to behold.  The kayak is a fibre boat that can seat two or seat one, a double seater or a single seater and you row it using oars.  The experience of kayaking can be innervating as you require upper and lower body strength to manoeuvre the kayak.  It is a test of stamina and endurance and worth every single moment.

5 ways to kayak the correct way :

1.  Getting in and out of the kayak can be tough.
2.  Use balance to get in and out of the kayak
3.  The oars have to be dipped into the water at 70 degrees to get the speed.
4.  Lean forward in the kayak while rowing.
5.  Follow the line of the waves as the wake might cause water to come in.

Kayak was fun and I came out with a smile on my face.